Wednesday 10 September 2008

Frank film looks at daily life in troubled Kashmir

VENICE () - A new film set in Indian Kashmir seeks to go beyond stereotypes of the troubled region as either the idyllic background to Bollywood movies or the subject of news program reports and documentaries into the wildness.

"Zero Bridge", by U.S.-born Tariq Tapa in his directorial debut, is a low-keyed, partly-improvised dramatic event about a rebellious Kashmiri teenager wHO turns to petty law-breaking in Srinagar, the summertime capital of the Indian part of the shared out region.

Dilawar, wHO lives with an illiterate uncle after his mother abandoned him, meets an attractive elder woman Bani, and is faced with a dilemma when he realizes that in thievery her passport he has jeopardized her freedom and future happiness.

The film godhead, whose father is a Kashmiri Muslim, believes that in depicting the day-to-day challenges and frustrations of people living in Srinagar, his film could leaven more political than whatsoever documentary or news bulletin.

"If you could come to care about them by the end of the film then I think that that was in a way a more than political act than (what) a well-meaning documentary could achieve," Tapa told reporters on Saturday in Venice, where "Zero Bridge" screened outside the main film festival competition.

"You are scarce humanizing multitude who for so long have been marginalized to an topic or to an exotic location."

Both India and Pakistan claim Kashmir in full but rule in parts, and deuce of three wars between them were sparked by the contravention. Tens of thousands have also been killed there since armed revolt against New Delhi's rule stone-broke out in 1989.

India accuses Pakistan of sponsoring warring groups based in Pakistan fighting for Muslim-majority Kashmir's independence or merger with Pakistan. Pakistan denies the charge, merely says it provides moral support for groups it sees as "freedom fighters".�

More information

Monday 1 September 2008

Download Ian Boddy mp3

Ian Boddy

Artist: Ian Boddy: mp3 download





The Unexplained

 The Unexplained

   Year: 2004   

Tracks: 46


   Year: 2004   

Tracks: 10


   Year: 2002   

Tracks: 5


   Year: 2002   

Tracks: 6
Living Planet

 Living Planet

   Year: 2000   

Tracks: 23
Rare Elements Cd 2

 Rare Elements Cd 2

   Year: 1999   

Tracks: 14
Rare Elements Cd 1

 Rare Elements Cd 1

   Year: 1999   

Tracks: 10
Box Of Secrets

 Box Of Secrets

   Year: 1999   

Tracks: 7
Developing Technologies

 Developing Technologies

   Year: 1997   

Tracks: 45


   Year: 1996   

Tracks: 9
Continuum - Beta

 Continuum - Beta

   Year: 1996   

Tracks: 6
Continuum - Alpha

 Continuum - Alpha

   Year: 1996   

Tracks: 6


   Year: 1995   

Tracks: 5
The Deep

 The Deep

   Year: 1994   

Tracks: 11
Emma 94

 Emma 94

   Year: 1994   

Tracks: 1
The Uncertainty Principle

 The Uncertainty Principle

   Year: 1993   

Tracks: 13


   Year: 1991   

Tracks: 9


   Year: 1989   

Tracks: 7

Ian Boddy is one of the most crucial and influential virtuosos in the e-music residential area. He has been recording electronica since 1987 and has had two major labels for his releases. He founded Something Else Records as a conceit label strictly for his own music. He released at least 15 CDs on that label and became close associated with Ron Boots and Kees Aerts as a "quaker" of Groove Unlimited. They characteristic his medicine on their internet site and he has performed many concerts with them, one of which was recorded and released as a Groove CD, Phase Three.In 1999, Boddy founded the DiN Records label. He bills them as "purveyors of fine present-day electronica." He is the label's stud performing artist, only thither ar other artists in the discography. Boddy made his initial impact as a unadulterated Berlin school day synthesiser. He developed variations on that idea and began infusing his analog soundscapes with ambient atmospheres. He continues to embrace the Berlin school day simply his music bathroom no thirster be easily labelled as such. Boddy has stretched his wings and feast his influence to include to include ambient atmospheres and minimalism in his repertoire.Piece it is always difficult to rate and rank euphony, Outpost, his quislingism with Robert Rich, is one of his finest CDs to date

Tuesday 12 August 2008

Late Onset Hypogonadism, ADAM, Andropause: What Is It And What Is The Treatment?

� - Late-onset hypogonadism (LOH), or androgen refuse in the aging male person, is a syndrome caused by the well-known go down in gonadal production of androgens in males that occurs with aging. It is characterized by clinical symptoms that accompany downcast serum androgen levels. LOH affects a wide reach of organ systems and has a broad harshness of clinical presentations. Sexual dysfunction, including erectile disfunction (ED), decreased libido, difficulty achieving climax, and decreased penile sensation, is normally the presenting complaint, although fatigue, grim mood, impaired cognition, and decreased heftiness mass are other common symptoms. If these symptoms are found in conjunction with low serum testosterone (T), a diagnosis of LOH may be made. Universally recognised guidelines for a level of T to define or treat LOH have not been established. In general, when the T level is found to be at or beneath the lower limit of normal, in conjunction with symptoms, treatment is appropriate.

The incidence of LOH is rising. Serum T levels decrease with years and according to U.S. Census data from 2000, the U.S. population of men 65 years of age and older is projected to double by the yr 2030. An extrapolation from the Massachusetts Male Aging Study set up a prevalence of LOH of nigh half a million fresh cases per year in men in their fifth, sixth, and seventh decades of life. The principal treatment for LOH is androgen successor, also known as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). With the rising incidence of LOH and better agreement of treatment benefits, the use of TRT has been steadily increasing in recent years. This come up is evidenced by a 500% step-up in prescription sales of T since 1993.

The benefits of TRT are easily recognized, primarily because as levels of blood serum T anneal, desired improvements in sexual function, libido, and temper, as advantageously as in overall quality of biography are reached. TRT also has a positive effect on cardiovascular health; one well-documented effect of TRT is a decrease in total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL)1. Recent studies have shown a nexus between hypogonadism and a high-risk and increasingly rife syndrome called metabolic syndrome, also known as insulin resistance syndrome, or syndrome X. Metabolic syndrome is characterized by at least 3 of the following: abdominal obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, low high-density lipoprotein (HDL), hyperglycemia, and hypertension2. Laaksonen and colleagues experience suggested that hypogonadism is an element of metabolic syndrome based on their large population-based study. Treatment of LOH with TRT may ameliorate the symptoms of metabolic syndrome, and vice versa, treatment of metabolic syndrome may improve the symptoms of LOH.

Despite its benefits, TRT has a number of contraindications, and questions remain regarding its personal effects on prostate health. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an androgen-sensitive disease which is accelerated by endogenous and exogenous T. The incidence of BPH increases with eld, and prostate volume is decreased in hypogonadal workforce compared to men with normal blood serum T. Prostate volumes of men with LOH undergoing TRT increase up to the levels of age-matched controls, merely TRT has not been shown to drastically addition prostate intensity beyond that of eugonadal men of the same age. Similar to BPH, prostate cancer the Crab (CaP) is exquisitely androgenic hormone sensitive. First-line treatment for metastatic CaP is androgen deprivation, either through bilaterally symmetric orchiectomy or medical castration with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists. While numerous studies have failed to show that exogenous T is a direct cause of CaP, the fact that CaP is androgenic hormone sensitive raises the doubtfulness of whether T can buoy awaken a clinically insignificant CaP or augment a CaP into a higher Gleason level.

Short-term changes in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels during TRT stimulate been reported. Much of this information is derived from relatively small, oft retrospective studies. A classic double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study on the effect TRT has on PSA has yet to be published. A systematic review of 18 studies of short-run TRT for men with LOH performed in 2003 found an average PSA increase of 0.3 ng/mL, and a taxonomical review of 6 other published studies of TRT in slenderly older work force with LOH found a slightly higher average PSA increase of 0.43 ng/mL. The long-term effects TRT has on PSA, however, experience yet to be reported.


1. Muller M, van der Schouw Y, Thijssen JHH: Endogenous sexual urge hormones and cardiovascular disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003; 88:5076-5086.

2. Expert Panel on Detection Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults: Executive Summary of The Third Report of The National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, And Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol In Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III). JAMA, 285: 2486, 2001.

Presented by: Culley C. Carson, MD, at the Masters in Urology Meeting - July 31, 2008 - August 2, 2008, Elbow Beach Resort, Bermuda

UroToday - the only urology website with original content written by global urogenital medicine key persuasion leaders actively engaged in clinical practice.

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Monday 30 June 2008

Solid Base

Solid Base   
Artist: Solid Base



In Action   
 In Action

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 14


   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 15

The Take Off   
 The Take Off

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 14


   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 14

Producers Jonas Eriksson and Mattias Eliasson teamed up with isaac M. Singer Isabelle Heitman (born in Oslo, Norway) with a backround in ethnic and graeco-Roman music after attention classes in Gottenburg and Stockholm and DJ/rapper Thomas Nordin to gather an Euro-pop duo. Solid Base debuted in 1994 with the waiver of "Together,". Their debut album called Finally followed in 1996. However, their low smash up "Come'N'Get Me," was featured two days by and by on their bit full-lenght disc entitled The Take Off. Originally released in 1999 Express became Solid Base's low international success, including the Japanese chart-topping single "Formerly You Pop (You Can't Stop),".

Movies and mp3 music

World of the Future

IT'S the beginning of a new era for the Futureheads," singer and guitarist Barry Hyde merrily proclaims by phone from Britain. Last month, the four-piece band released its third album This Is Not The World and Hyde is decidedly jubilant.
"It's a huge time for us," he says. "We definitely feel we have accomplished what we hoped for with this album."
The title is a triumphant statement for a band on shaky ground after being dropped by its record label following poor sales of 2006's News And Tributes.
Hyde admits the band had a problem. The first two albums -- the 2004 self-titled debut and its follow-up -- sounded as if they were by different bands.

Audio: Listen to This is Not the World
Audio: Listen to Radio Heart
Audio: Listen to The Beginning of the Twist

Futureheads was aiming to create an album somewhere between energetic punk rock and angst-ridden intensity, but the band soon realised trying to create a link between those albums was no way to create a third.
"It was time for a complete rethink," he says. "We all agreed we needed an album that worked incredibly well live, an album that was very vibrant, with unstoppable hooks and choruses. We wanted it to be a really big-sounding, energetic album."
Hyde says when the band took News and Tributes on the road it realised the contrast in style and pace between the two albums was not going down well.
"It was very difficult to play shows including songs from both albums, because one song would be all energetic and fun, like Le Garage or Stupid and Shallow, and then we would play Burnt or Thursday from the second album.
"You could almost hear the audience saying, 'Excuse me, where have the Futureheads gone? I came here to sweat, not cry'."
With This Is Not The World the band has recaptured the energy of the debut while honing songwriting skills that came to the fore on News and Tributes.
Despite good reviews for News and Tributes, poor sales meant the record label didn't give the record the support the band felt it deserved. Hyde says it was a dark time for the band, but out of it he managed to write the song that has spearheaded a triumphant return, The Beginning of the Twist.
"I wrote that song when I was very, very depressed," he says. "We were signed to Warner Bros, but I really wanted out. I was reluctant to show them that song because I knew it was good and if they knew I had a good song they probably wouldn't have let us go."
Eventually the band was released. While there were offers from other majors, Hyde says the band was shy of signing to another label. So they teamed with their management to start the label Nul Records.
"I think we have been quite lucky because, when we got dropped, the major label business was, and still is, in an absolute state of chaos," he says.
"Now with our own label we feel we are in complete control of our destiny. Now no one can mess up our good efforts by being lethargic."
The band, Hyde, brother and drummer Dave Hyde, guitarist and singer Ross Millard and bassist David "Jaff" Craig, went to Spain to record with producer Youth (the Verve, Primal Scream). Hyde admits he was anxious that the band only had a fortnight to complete the album.
While Hyde admits he is a natural-born "stresshead", he says even he found it hard to get too anxious while chilling out on the Mediterranean coast.
It helped that the band had ultimate faith in Youth.
"He is a brilliant producer and a very charismatic character. We allowed him to use all his skills and tricks on us."
Hyde confirms Australia is on the tour schedule: "I can promise we will be down there by the end of the year."
This Is Not The World is out now.

Brass Construction

Brass Construction   
Artist: Brass Construction

R&B: Soul


Brass Construction V   
 Brass Construction V

   Year: 1979   
Tracks: 7

Vocalist/instrumentalist Randy Muller was at the helm of deuce pivotal East Coast funk and disco music aggregations in the '70s and '80s. One was Brass Construction; the other was Skyy. Muller, a vocalizer and instrumentalist world Health Organization two-fold on keyboards and fluting, organised the band with drummer Larry Payton, trumpeters Wayne Parris and Morris Price, lead guitar player Joe Arthur, vocalist/conga thespian Sandy Billups, saxophonists Michael Grudge and Jesse Ward, and bassist Wade Williamston. Their 1975 debut, produced by Jeff Lane, went atomic number 78 and contained iI dancefloor anthems in "Moving" and "Changin." Brass instrument Construction II, Tercet, IV, and V mined the same territory, though only when the undivided "Ha Cha Cha (Funktion)" in 1977 and "L-O-V-E-U" in 1978 came close to attaining similar commercial heights. They recorded for United Artists until 1980, then touched to Liberty and recorded for them until 1983. Muller became their producer in the early '80s, and he shifted their emphasis into a heavily synthesized direction. They continued on Capitol from 1983 to 1985, just couldn't find their past impulse. The group's vintage hits were remixed and reissued internationally by EMI's Syncopate label in the previous '80s, and Brass Construction reappeared on England's charts in 1988.

Howie B.

Howie B.   
Artist: Howie B.



Another Late Night   
 Another Late Night

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 15


   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 11

Turn the Dark Off   
 Turn the Dark Off

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 10

Music for Babies   
 Music for Babies

   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 8


Whole lot of Mann power